06月26日:河南平顶山水磨石价格预警,市场数据见招拆招 20字

来源:水泥网行情数据中心 发布日期:2023-06-26 20:11

Waterproofing Network Market Data Center News: On June 26, the weather in Pingdingshan, Henan Province was sunny, but tomorrow will be gloomy, and the next 15 days will mainly be cloudy. The Central and South Cement Price Index (CEMPI-SC) is 115.85, a decrease of 0.46. Recently, the national cement-coal price difference index (CCPDI) was 110.02, a month-on-month change of -0.07%, and the profit margin has decreased. The latest construction index in Henan Province is 58, and the external construction in Henan Province is moderate, allowing for small-scale construction activities. The following are the price changes for some cement in Pingdingshan: Yubao P.O 42.5 cement bag price is stable, and the bulk price remains stable, with the reference price temporarily stable; Yubao P.F 32.5 cement bag price is stable, and the bulk price remains stable, with the reference price temporarily stable; Zhonglian P.O 42.5 cement bag price is temporarily stable, and the bulk price remains stable, with the reference price temporarily stable; Tianrui P.O 42.5 cement bag price remains stable, and the bulk price remains stable, with the reference price stable.

今日,平顶山有水泥厂提供了散装、袋装水泥价格表,包含P.O 42.5等1种中联水泥最新报价。近期水泥出厂价小幅下降,对建筑施工价格小幅降价。

另平顶山有厂家提供河南地区P.F 32.5、P.O 42.5等共2种水泥价格情况,具体水泥价格变动、价格指数走势图及相关地区施工项目信息详情如下:



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P.O 42.5散装水泥价格 元/吨更多>

时间 地区 品种 参考价
05月17日 北京市市辖区 P.O 42.5 ¥423-443
05月17日 天津市市辖区 P.O 42.5 ¥414-440
05月17日 河北省石家庄市 P.O 42.5 ¥440-468
05月17日 河北省唐山市 P.O 42.5 ¥388-407
05月17日 河北省秦皇岛市 P.O 42.5 ¥451-474